I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.
— Emma Goldman
Megh & Ponyboy in Long Island

Megh & Ponyboy in Long Island

Nailed It! Holiday Baking Party

Nailed It! Holiday Baking Party

Last winter I became slightly obcessed with the Netflix show Nailed It! where completely amateur bakers have to create outlandish pinterest worthy creations. Like these people are full on lost in a kitchen and their baking is timed and then judged. And it’s hilarious. Honestly, this show was one of the things that got me through the winter season. While I was incredibly depressed and barely leaving the house, watching this show was a daily pick me up and I wanted everyone to see it!

So I decided to recreate it, but as a holiday party! And here’s how I pulled it off.

I emailed a group of friends and told them the date of my party and asked them to partner up to create two person baking teams. This is what the email stated:

-chose a teammate and RSVP by December 1st …someone from this email or another friend! Just let me know so I have everyone’s info.

-Saturday morning, December 8th I will email you and your teammate any unusual ingredients that you most likely do not have at home so that you have time to gather these things and prepare, but what you’re actually making will not be revealed to you yet.

-Sunday December 9th at 1PM I will email you and your teammate a semi challenging dessert recipe to create for the party. Every team has something different.  You will have three hours to make this holiday dessert masterpiece and get it safely to our apartment for the party! That’s prepare, bake, and travel all in three hours. You got this.

-We all get to taste and judge your dessert and party the rest of the night!

Ok so if you don’t have a ton of kitchen equipment at home, don’t worry.  Maybe your teammate does, or your neighbor. Or improvise. Plus you shouldn’t need anything too crazy.

So basically, I kept everyone’s recipe a secret until three hours before the party began. They had those three hours to shop, prep, bake the crazy holiday recipe at their home then travel to my apartment with their creation. Once they arrived, we would all taste test and judge! It was a great start to the Christmas season, and I didn’t have to make a thing!

In case you can’t quite tell what everyone baked, here are the recipes I sent them as a guide! How do you think everyone did?

Reindeer Cake
Stuck Santa Cake
Polar Bear Cupcakes
French Chocolate Buche de Noel
Snowmen Cakepops
Cupcake Christmas Tree
Stained Glass Cookies

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