I’d rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck.
— Emma Goldman
Megh & Ponyboy in Long Island

Megh & Ponyboy in Long Island

Space for Mindfulness

Space for Mindfulness

Yesterday I did my first Instagram Live and it was so much fun! I was asked by BEtime to show how anyone can transform a little place in their home into a space for mindfulness and meditation. Normally, BEtime brings peace and calm to bustling NYC via their mobile meditation studio. But like myself and so many others, they are now connecting with people through social media.

It felt necessary to create a mindful space in our home. I had been spending my days working from the bedroom, while z worked from his space on the other side of the apartment. This has really made it difficult for me to”turn off” work mode. Our places that were once for relaxation now must also function as work spaces. It was time to separate the two and I didn’t want to spend all day or a ton of money on the project.

This is how I did the transformation:

  1. I had to figure out where it would be located. I chose a wall in my bedroom because it was the only place that had furniture that could be moved. But, not everything could be moved so I knew I would have to work around that. There was still a large chair and a dog kennel in the area.

  2. I created a list of the things that make me calm and grounded. I feel most comfortable on the ground, and rugs and pillows help make me feel cozy. But, I also wanted the option of a chair nearby. I love to be around burning candles. fresh flowers, plants, and photos of loved ones. And, all of these items would need a small table to go on.

  3. Next, I had to chose where I would source these items and furniture from. First, I shopped my own apartment and chose a pillow, blanket, candles, framed photo of my grandparents, and a plant that could be moved into my new space. But, I still needed a table and fresh flowers.

  4. By working with what I already had, I was able to do almost everything for free. I decided to keep the dog kennel and turn it into a table! I spent $6 on a piece of wood to put over it. I purchased the fresh eucalyptus for $9 at the bodega.

  5. Last, I put everything together! On the ground I moved a small rug and pillow, I placed the wood on the kennel and put a throw blanket on top. My candles, framed photo, journal, and plant would stay near me on top of the kennel turned table and I hung a bunch of eucalyptus on the wall above the table. The chair was nearby with a blanket.

Taking the time to crate this place for my own mindfulness has already changed how I feel when I look around my room. That area now serves a purpose and it can be shared by me, z and our pup pony. I absolutely loved the collaboration with BEtime and the whole things was completely authentic. I also learned how different everyone meditation space can be, and thats ok because there is no right way to do it! Discovering what helps you feel safe and calm in your space is a good place to start and I hope this helps you get there.

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